Even though she didn't make the top 10, I think honorable mention should go to KJP. It takes a moral-less soul to get up before the same group of reporters day after day with a litany of paltering to explain away the poor choices of our leaders - all the while knowing your audience is desperately searching for a way to make the stories appear like our government knows what it is doing. What is sad is that she probably believes her own explanations and pronouncements are for the good of the country and can't figure out why no one takes her seriously.
Glad to have you back. Hope '25 has fewer peaks and valleys and more rolling terrain.
So glad to see you back, Dianny! I'd been getting really worried. Happy New Year!
Thank you. I was rather worried myself, if I’m honest.
Even though she didn't make the top 10, I think honorable mention should go to KJP. It takes a moral-less soul to get up before the same group of reporters day after day with a litany of paltering to explain away the poor choices of our leaders - all the while knowing your audience is desperately searching for a way to make the stories appear like our government knows what it is doing. What is sad is that she probably believes her own explanations and pronouncements are for the good of the country and can't figure out why no one takes her seriously.
Glad to have you back. Hope '25 has fewer peaks and valleys and more rolling terrain.