Christopher Rufo on Monday revealed that Kamala Harris and her ghostwriter lifted large segments of her book “Smart on Crime” word-for-word from other sources, including Wikipedia, without proper attribution.
Not particularly smart on crime, is she?
In a thread on Twitter, Rufo provided side-by-side examples of Kamala’s plagiarism that are, in a word, damning.
Who plagiarizes Wikipedia? That’s like stealing from CliffsNotes.
Then again, I’d be lying if I said it surprised me to learn that Kamala Harris is a plagiarist. We should expect nothing less from a woman who would call the police to report a burglar if she ever stumbled across an original thought in her head.
This woman lifted an anecdote from Martin Luther King Jr. and passed it off as something that happened to her.
In her brief time as Democrat nominee, Kamala lifted Donald Trump’s plan to exempt tips from income taxes. She is even advocating for a border wall — the very border wall she previously claimed was racist and unnecessary.
The Trump campaign announced that he would appear on Joe Rogan’s podcast, and just days later, it was reported that Kamala might appear on Rogan’s podcast, too.
She even tried to steal credit for the administration's hurricane coordination, for heaven’s sake.
Kamala lifted Joe Biden’s 2020 basement strategy before her internal polling forced her to abandon it.
If it weren’t for the words of others, Kamala Harris would have nothing to say.
In a column succinctly titled “Kamala Harris is an Idiot,” National Review’s Charles C.W. Cooke got to the heart of the problem with Kamala Harris:
She’s a nullity, a vacuum, an actress, an empty canvas that is incapable of absorbing paint. Search through Harris’s historical press clippings and you will be astonished by the vastness of space, for, in more than two decades of analysis and reporting, Harris has not once been credited with a single valuable or original idea. What you see on TV is what you get in private: a broken battery-operated toy that can’t talk, that can’t argue, that can’t laugh in the right places, and that badly malfunctions if expected to transcend the superficial.
And this:
The word-salads; the awkward cackle; the stunned repetition of agnostic phrases — they are all byproducts of Harris’s debilitating suspicion that she has no earthly clue what she’s doing. She can’t debate policy because she’s never examined policy. She can’t sell a worldview because she’s never had a worldview. She can’t deftly navigate a paradox or a hypocrisy or a surprise, because, like a man attempting to cover up his infidelities, her political promiscuity has left her tangled in a web of no rhyme, reason, or design. Harris’s aim in each and every moment is to get through the next minute, the next hour, or the next day without being conclusively exposed as a cipher.
Kamala Harris is devoid of original thought. You can’t expect her to write a book about anything without stealing the content from others. And because she is a vapid lightweight, she’s even willing to steal from Wikipedia.
Joe Biden’s first presidential campaign crashed and burned after he was exposed as a plagiarist. This time around, however, the media is going out of its way to pretend that Kamala’s plagiarism is no big deal and Christopher Rufo, the conservative activist who “seized” on it, is a racist for daring to point it out.
This is the kind of information that would typically come out during a primary, as it did for Joe Biden during the 1988 presidential election. But Kamala Harris was never forced to make the case for herself during a primary process. As a result, voters are heading to the polls knowing only what the media is willing to report about the Democrat nominee. And the media is so busy downplaying every negative story about her that they have little time to report anything else.
It will never not be funny to me that the Democrats have cast themselves as the party that is Protecting Democracy.
Kamala Harris is not fit to be President of the United States.
On the plus side, her penchant for plagiarism makes her eminently qualified to serve as president of Harvard.